Month: November 2018

Apps News

DeepMind Streams team to be joining Google

The team behind DeedMind Streams the mobile app that supports doctors and nurses to deliver faster, better care to patients—will be joining Google. Deepmind said “Over the past three years we’ve built a team of experts in what it takes to deploy clinical tools in practice – engineers, clinicians, translational researchers and […]


Start-up aims for 90% accuracy for cancer screening with AI

Lancor Scientific a London-based startup will open a new cancer research laboratory that aims to push for 90% accuracy for cancer screening by utilising AI.  The research facility will explore the market viability and roll-out of Lancor Scientific’s patented Tumour Trace OMIS (Opto-magnetic Imaging Spectroscopy) device and the utilisation of AI technology, with […]

Apps News

Innovative healthcare solutions invited to apply for funding

Companies with innovative healthcare solutions are invited to apply for a share of £300,000 Health Innovation Manchester funding. The fund is primarily looking for innovations that enhance mental health or community-based care. Small and medium-sized enterprises with innovations which are either market ready or close to being market ready are […]

Secondary Care

Populo Consulting eyes digital health growth

Digital health consultancy Populo Consulting has announced the appointment of a Jonah Aburrow-Jones as new managing director. Populo formed two years ago. Since then, it has grown rapidly and works with the Salford, Oxford, and Imperial global digital exemplars, the Mersey Care mental health GDE, and the Manchester local health […]

Featured News

HTN Awards 2018 Winners

We are delighted to announce the winners and the highly commended entries in the Health Tech Awards 2018. Catch up on the Awards night by viewing our live feed here and read about the many fantastic projects in our shortlist here. Overall Winner MySunrise App and Royal Cornwall Hospital Digital […]