Month: November 2023

Feature Content

Feature: data that speaks volumes

Content by Open Medical. For the NHS to achieve its Long Term Plan, it needs to move from silos to system working, from reactive to proactive care. But how? By establishing an integrated digital ecosystem. A digital ecosystem will drive the reduction of health inequalities and provide targeted, personalised, and […]

Interview NP

Interview: Keltie Jamieson, CIO at Bermuda Hospitals Board

Today HTN goes international! And we’re pleased to share our interview with Keltie Jamieson, chief hospital information officer for Bermuda Hospitals Board. Keltie discussed her career path through digital health, Bermuda’s digital priorities at health board and national level, and her insights into the digital health landscape on the island. Hi […]


Launching… HTN International!

For years we’ve been bringing you key news, insights, updates and innovations from the healthcare industry through articles, interviews, deep dives, features, live sessions, our awards programme and more. Now, we’re delighted to share that we are widening our scope through the launch of our new sister site, HTN International. […]


Interview: Ceire Costelloe and Lisa Scerri on using health data to improve cancer outcomes at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

We recently sat down to chat with Ceire Costelloe, professor of health informatics at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, and Lisa Scerri, business manager of BRIDgE (Biomedical Research Informatics Digital Environments) at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. Ceire and Lisa discussed how health data is being used to […]

News NHS trust

University Hospitals Birmingham seeks electronic content platform to make data more accessible

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust has published a future opportunity notice to outline the trust’s upcoming procurement of an enterprise electronic content solution. The notice details the trust’s plans to source a solution which can replace the current enterprise content platform, primarily for the storage of part of the […]