Month: March 2024

Feature Content Interview

“User experience and operational improvements” CCube on key EDMS objectives

Following the growing adoption of EPR systems across the country and a clear focus on NHS frontline digitisation, electronic document management plays a key role in supporting an organisation’s digital capability, providing access to unstructured information – clinical documents, medical images and patient record files. As well providing significant savings […]

NHS trust

North West Anglia FT shares A&E attendances, inpatient and outpatient appointments across its ICS

North West Anglia Foundation Trust has gone live with submitting inpatient and outpatient appointment, emergency department attendances and booking information data into the regional shared care record. Providers across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS can now view this information through the shared care record, with North West Anglia being the first […]


Ambulance services report highlights need to be “better prepared for the emerging impacts of advancing technologies”

A report developed by the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives in partnership with NHS Providers and NHS Confederation has called for the “radical re-design” of urgent and emergency care and long-term planning and highlights the need to be “better prepared for the emerging impacts of advancing technologies”. Additionally, the report […]


NICE publishes early guidance assessment for three technologies to manage symptoms of psychosis and prevent relapse in adults and young people

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published an early guidance assessment providing recommendations on health technologies to help manage symptoms of psychosis and prevent relapse in adults and young people. Three digital solutions have been included in the assessment: AVATAR Therapy, for managing auditory verbal hallucinations (hearing […]