Month: November 2016

Case Study

Opinion piece: IMS MAXIMS CMO Prof. Michael Thick

Achieving service transformation: resolve the digital paradox Initiatives to accelerate innovation to the frontline are welcome, but details around funding, technology assessments and integration need ironing out to make rapid health transformation a reality, says IMS MAXIMS chief clinical information officer and chief medical officer Prof. Michael Thick. Accelerating the […]

Case Study Featured

Interview: Ray Hart, Valuing Care

The cultural change of using technology to purchase CHC placements: are we ready? Ray Hart, director at Valuing Care, discusses the cultural change of using technology to improve the purchasing process for CHC placements. He discusses the benefits, and explains why training is essential to its success. In most industries, […]


Proof of ID may be needed for NHS care; Dr Saif Abed comments

Imprivata, the healthcare IT security company has stated that biometric patient identification could replace passport ID. In response to today’s story on BBC News that proof of ID may be required for NHS patients in order to combat health tourism., Dr Saif Abed, Medical Director EMEA at Imprivata commented; […]