Month: February 2019

Content Featured News Secondary Care

NHS X: Industry Reaction

The government recently announced a newly formed organisation NHSX to oversee digital, data and technology. The new unit will effectively take a position above NHS Digital, who is believed will continue with its current remit. We asked industry leaders for their comment and reaction to the newly formed organisation. Contributors […]


HTN Newsletter

In our latest Newsletter we highlight some of the key news we brought you in the month: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has launched a new digital postnatal discharge system, powered by Lumeon technology. Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has deployed Imprivata across its organisation following a successful […]

Secondary Care

Salford launches NHS Global Digital Exemplar blueprint

Digital blueprints have been made available to hospitals as part of the Global Digital Exemplar programme. Salford Royal has released the blueprint here > to provide toolkits to allow any NHS hospital to implement improvements quicker and transform care for both patients and staff. The Trust’s digital assessment tool to detect delirium […]