Matt Hancock in the past few minutes has announced he has tested positive for COVID-19, following a recent test. It follows today the news that Boris Johnson has also tested positive. Both said their symptoms are mild. The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care was advised to take […]
Other News
Health Tech Heroes announced
Last night there was an emotional tribute with people around the UK taking part in a “Clap for Carers” act to say thank you to the NHS and care workers dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. During the week millions have also taken to social media to say thank you and hundreds […]
Webinar Summary: Lawful and secure patient data sharing
Yesterday through a live webinar, Michael Abtar, CEO of IG Smart Ltd delivered an insightful presentation focusing on lawful and secure patient data sharing. IG Smart is a data protection and privacy consultancy with extensive experience of working with healthcare and healthcare technology clients. Their services include helping clients with GDPR, […]
Online consultation tools now centrally funded
11 online video tools have been approved as part of the emergency framework to support GP practices to deliver online consultations. There are two frameworks that provide the tools, available through the new emergency Dynamic Purchase framework launched last week and the GP IT Futures framework. NHSX also confirmed this week that […]
NHS England works with GoodSam app to recruit volunteers
NHS England is working with the GoodSam app to recruit hundreds of thousands of volunteers, with the latest volunteer target set to 1.4 million. GoodSAM is the platform powering the on boarding and deployment of the volunteers for the NHS during the Coronavirus crisis. To sign up, please visit: […]
Feature Part Two: How tech is supporting the COVID-19 crisis
As part of our continued coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, in this part two feature we take a look at some of the innovative health tech companies that are supporting the NHS, patients and staff alike in the current crisis. In this feature series supported by Highland Marketing, we hear […]
NHS WhatsApp COVID-19 chatbot launched
The Government has today launched a Coronavirus Information Service through WhatsApp. The chatbot will provide anyone with trustworthy and timely information about coronavirus. To launch the service send hi to +44 7860 064422 on WhatsApp. It will also allow the government to send messages through WhatsApp to users and for users […]
King’s College London researchers launch new symptom tracking app
Researchers at King’s College London have launched a new symptom tracking app aimed to slow the spread of coronavirus. The new app which tracks symptoms related to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) allows anyone to self-report daily. It has been developed as a partnership between researchers at King’s and health data science company ZOE, […]
Cera Care to create 10,000 new jobs
Cera Care, a technology enabled home care company has announced it plans to create 10,000 new jobs, adding to its current 2,000 employees. The technology-enabled home care provider uses digital and data analytics to improve elderly care services. Through the app the company would previously deliver over 10,000 visits per […]
Health Education England launches COVID-19 e-learning programme
UK health and care workforce have been given free open access to an e-learning programme on COVID-19 developed by Health Education England. The pandemic has spurred the creation of the programme which will be given to all those working in the NHS, the independent sector and social care. Including in […]