Tag: Data4


Hancock confirms contact tracing app

Matt Hancock has today confirmed a new app for contact tracing to support measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. Should you get symptoms, then it could anonymously alert anyone you may have been in close contact with and then advise them to self-isolate. Hancock said “As we ramp up our […]

Secondary Care

Industrial modelling techniques used by Cambridge engineers at Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Originally designed modelling tools to improve efficiency within factories are now being used by Cambridge engineers to support processes within Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The modelling techniques have been implemented to manage COVID-19 care. The hospital’s own modelling has been enhanced by the new modelling tools in providing insights into ‘how day-to-day’ […]


NHSX appoints Director of Standards and Interoperability

NHSX has appointed Irina Bolychevsky as its Director of Standards and Interoperability. The role reports directly to the Chief Technology Officer, David Turner who was recently appointed to the role and will join the unit next month. The Director of Standards and Interoperability role has a salary over £100,000 and has responsibility […]


Study highlights ability to predict depression in Facebook users

A study by David Luxton titled ‘Artificial Intelligence in Behavioural and Mental Healthcare’ published in ScienceDirect has explored the ability to predict depression in Facebook users. The study used an artificial intelligence algorithm to detect vocabulary usage with negative connotations and said depression can be detected up to 3 months before a social […]


Wales shares millionth digital result and adds dentistry data

All Health Boards across Wales now have access to digital patient information and have recently made dentistry information available. NHS Wales Informatics Services (NWIS) announced that in January, the millionth digital test result was viewed between health boards via Wales’ digital patient record service, the Welsh Clinical Portal. It said […]